
Kim version 2.0

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Loving that Culture

Potentially offensive?

So I went to this Jamaican festival on Sunday. There was about a billion and five people gathered to celebrate Jamaicanness. Japanese people sure know how to appreciate other cultures. I see it everywhere I go.

To be honest, I mostly have negative feelings about it. It's too much. When I look at a billboard or when I look through a Japanese magazine, WHY IS THE MAGAZINE FULL OF NON JAPANESE PEOPLE?

You know, I'm not Japanese so I feel like it's wrong for me to be expressing such an opinion. However, I'm a deep ass dude with a degree in Psychology "and" Social Behavior. What that means is in the least, I've been studying how environments affect people and I want to add my opinion.

It's so very important to have positive role models as one is growing up. Visually when I look at these advertisements, billboards, magazines, whatever, Ugh.. I'm not liking what I'm seeing.

Most Japanese females in advertisements are cute/hot/attractive. However, but for Japanese males, for some fucking reason they feature OLD ASS BUSINESS MEN. Usually being old and making crazy ass faces. Shit is terrible. I'm not saying there's no percentage of attractive Japanese dudes in the advertisings. But it's usually the same TV drama/movie guys. So check it, this is the breakdown of Male representatives in Japan.

60% = White dudes
5% = Black
20% = Old crazy face business men
15% - Same Japanese male movie/TV drama stars
(Note: Stats may be incorrect)

So this is just my U.S.A. OH MY GOD YOU CAN SPEAK ENGLISH AMERICAN opinion, but growing up in Japan, there must be a whole lot of subliminal brain washing going on. So if all Japanese women are attractive and all Japanese men are ..not, how does that affect children as they are growing up, what misconceptions may come about? Ponder that. In general I'm sick of EVERYONE's(Not just Japan) admiration of Western culture. And to most people Western Culture= America. That is most likely the root of this blog.

If there are any Japanese people reading this, don't worry, there's things I don't like about America also.

In America,

I don't like the lack of Asian role models in the media.
I don't like the desexualization of the Asian male.
I think the tip system is hella stupid.
And I fucking hate Carl's Jr.

I promise I'll be happier in my next post <3



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